Blizzard's degeneration of raiding has really gone too far. Seven of the twelve hardmodes in ICC 25 are an absolute joke and will die within 5 pulls. There's another two that will take you only a few more attempts.
The remaining three are slightly more difficult and will last most guilds a few more weeks yet - but that's because attempts on them are limited.
Even the easier hardmodes of Ulduar were a considerable step up from this rubbish - prior to them being nerfed into the ground of course.
And it looks like Blizzard won't even have to nerf Icecrown, it will nerf itself in the form of a stacking HP, damage and healing buff for everyone - stacking up to 30%. Not that you'll need it of course, as everyone except the worst of the worst guilds out there will be 11/12 ICC Hardmode by the time the buff kicks up to 30%.
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago