We are scheduling raid tests in Icecrown Citadel for November 18-20.
US Servers
Wednesday, November 18 at 7PM EST / 4 PM PST – Lord Marrowgar, Icecrown Gunship Battle
Thursday, November 19 at 7PM EST / 4 PM PST – Festergut, Deathbringer Saurfang
Friday, November 20 at 7PM EST / 4 PM PST – Valithria Dreamwalker
EU Servers
Wednesday, November 18 at 19:30 CET – Lord Marrowgar, Icecrown Gunship Battle
Thursday, November 19 at 19:30 CET – Rotface, Blood Princes
Friday, November 20 at 19:30 CET – Lady Deathwhisper
Heroic difficulties will be available for testing!
This is definitely a mistake. Heroic modes should be saved for the live realms so they're not spoilt early. Don't give me that crap about bug fixing, that's why they have teams that do internal testing. It's not like Icecrown will be bug free when it hits live anyway even with PTR testing of hardmodes.
Blizzard want to prolong the content, which is why they're gating it, but then again they're releasing everything but Arthas on the PTRs so it will all fall over on the first night it's released.
They've got it the wrong way around here, I'm afraid.
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