Monday, December 14, 2009

Icecrown's ridiculous class requirements

Good job Blizzard, making a joke of an instance that we can't do because we don't have a rogue.

For hours now we have been wiping to the trash before Lord Marrowgar, which we have as of yet been unsuccessful in attempting because we don't have a rogue.

So we'll be clearing one of the trash packs when somebody steps on an unseen trap which issues forth the Deathbound Ward, which cleaves, silences and spells instant doom for the raid. We'll run back and rebuff, only to have another Deathbound Ward spawn and wipe us again. This goes on for many hours.

It's completely preposterous that we have to be cruelly denied progression in Icecrown because we don't have a rogue available to us. Whatever happened to bring the player, not the class? I just want to see the content, but I can't because I don't have a rogue in my guild.

It's time that you either removed the traps and associated Deathbound Ward spawns entirely or gave the ability to disarm traps to another class/spec (like BM hunters).


  1. Seriously? This isn't a joke? Even if it isn't all you do is run to the front and sacrifice someone then it resets.

    Secondly -- There are only 4 traps and 4 giants. Which even if you wiped, you can easily pull away from the packs. Sounds like your tanks just don't know how to pull....

  2. Im really confused now, did it 25man day before yesterday.

    We managed to pull the two giants and the second pack of mobs and still finish them of, granted we had a rogue but i cant for my life understand why it should be needed or even bothered with you do want teh rep of the giants right ;)

  3. On a side not, Lady deathwhisper on the other hand has stupid class reqs. dont for the love of god bring more then one retardin (retardins do both melee hits and spells in more or less equal messures)

  4. u guys fail badly, even my casual raidguild with half of the raid being servere slackers cleared that place without a rogue, sure we whiped twice due to the spawn but once actually prepared it goes down ez

  5. @ above

    Whipe - no dictionary results.

  6. lol the worst part is that not only does their logo have a DK in it, it's wielding a titansteel destroyer...

  7. What's wrong with your TSD? You are what's wrong with this game. People get to 80 and expect everything to be handed to them. Try doing the raid with peope in gear slightly higher then ilv 200.

  8. If I were you I wouldn't make the world know I can't kill trash that is easily puggable with undergeared characters.

  9. May want to check the link to my armory; look at the dates of certain achievements. I've pretty much earnt my TSD, thanks.
