Due to the unanimous positive feedback I received from
my guide to playing a ret paladin, and the influx of new guilds that hit the brick wall of Anub’arak each day, I’ve decided to write my own guide to this fight (25 man heroic, of course, as 10 mans are a joke).
Group Setup:
It’s like Sunwell all over again. You want to stack warlocks and resto shamans, as warlocks are the best DPSers on this fight and Chain Heal is incredibly useful for keeping the raid topped up in Phase 3. You want to avoid bringing Death Knights and mages, as their usefulness is very limited. For best results, imagine it is Sunwell, as DKs weren’t out and nobody brought mages to raids anyway.
You need 5 tanks for this fight, one for the boss, and one for each add that spawns in a pack of 4. Druids are by far the best tanks for this fight, so try to have at least 3 of your 5 tanks be druids.
As for healers, 3 resto shamans should suffice, with 2 holy priests and a resto druid to round out your healer lineup.
Phase 1:
Phase 1 of this fight is marked by intermittent spawns of adds called Nerubian Burrowers that you have to kill before the next set spawns (on a 45 second timer) or else your 4 add tanks will die. Have your 14 DPS split up into 4 groups (2 groups of 4 and 2 groups of 3) to deal with the adds. Have your weaker DPS members (like feral druids and rogues) be in the groups of 4 to deal with the adds that spawn closest to Anub’arak. Have each add tanked in a separate corner of the room and have your DPS be ready to interrupt when they cast Submerge. On a timer, each add will jump around the room to a different corner, so your DPS and tanks need to be ready to deal with the new add that arrives.
In between these waves of adds, which will die very quickly using this strategy, you will have some time to DPS Anub’arak himself, and believe me when I say you need all the time you can get. Anub’arak needs to be at ideally 60% by his first submerge, although you should be able to scrape through if he is at 65%.
Phase 2:
Anub’arak will burrow into the ground after two minutes or so, and is now sending more adds at you while he himself is trying to rape you with his underground spikes.
His spikes will randomly target one person and follow them. If the target is a priest, paladin, hunter, or rogue then they should immediately fade/bubble/feign/vanish. If the target is not one of these classes (or a Night Elf, as Shadowmeld works too), then they should proceed to run into the spikes and die so that the next person can be targeted. Once one of the aforementioned classes is chosen and they use their special ability, you win. Prepare for Anub’arak to resurface and resume proceedings as per Phase 1. Continue until he reaches 30%. If you have a second burrow, it’s a wipe because you’ll hit enrage.
Phase 3:
This is where the real fight begins. Due to the large amount of damage that your raid is taking at this point, it is no longer feasible to be spread out in 4 corners of the room, so you must have your raid stack up near Anub’arak. Allow any adds that are up at this point to submerge by not interrupting them. You have until the new adds spawn to kill the boss. If new adds spawn, it’s a wipe unless your hunters are good, but I’ve never met a good hunter, so good luck with that.
This phase is all about how good your healers are. Pop heroism as soon as Anub’arak reaches 30%, then have your DPS zerg the boss while your healers scramble wildly to keep the raid alive and deal with Anub’arak’s immense damage output in this phase. Have your shamans, priests and druids spam their AoE heals wildly to keep everyone at full health. As for your holy paladins, oh wait, you didn’t bring any because they can’t AoE heal.
If your healers are good, you will win. Collect your plate spellpower belt, leather spellpower legs, cloth bracers that are worse than ones from Naxxramas, and a polearm. You can also find 4 vanquisher tokens in the tribute chest at the entrance to Anub’arak’s room, assuming you killed him in under 5 attempts, which to be honest, if you’re using this guide, you probably will.